it all began with
a bundle of joy.


Avalon is the passionate, proud parent of Bundle of Joy - with a vision for affordable, aesthetic, stress-free and joy filled gifting, the customer and recipient’s experiences are truly what is most important.


In 2021, as a new, first-time Mum, Avalon noticed throughout her pregnancy and into motherhood that gift-giving focused on the baby and particularly the newborn phase. Whilst this was totally appreciated and very understandable, it seemed that the mothers, fathers as well as future milestone months were not always celebrated or represented as equally.


All too often, those gifting to friends, family, clients or colleagues, feel they need to guess items that are best for new families and can be overwhelmed by too much choice. Bundle of Joy creates an inclusive space where all parents and little ones can be celebrated throughout this joyful journey. 

A focus on catering to varying budgets or people (dads, mums, babies, clients, colleagues, gender neutral, breast feeding etc.) was certainly missing in the market! There was a need for an effortless, simple way to gift whilst still surprising and delighting those expecting and their bundles of joy. The products needed to be quality, aesthetic, holistic, useful, and showcase amazing Australian small businesses.

Bundle of Joy was born from the concept of ensuring the guesswork was taken out of the gift-giving but certainly not the love.


We really do care. About you, about your gifting experience, about the person or people you are gifting to and about creating a lasting relationship between our customers and our business. We want to cater to any budget, any recipient and help in any way we can.

We are small but mighty. Run from Avalon’s home in inner Brisbane, what started as a passion project is truly a joyful little business that aims to spread as much joy through gifting as possible. Our reputation matters to us and each order is handled lovingly as though we are gifting to our own friend, family member, client or colleague. You are safe with us!

We want to be inclusive and prioritise people through all stages of early parenthood. We mean the dads, the mums, the babies in their first year of life. But also, we mean those experiencing the sadness that can come with starting or adding to a family. When trying to conceive after her first child, Avalon experienced several early pregnancy losses. It became apparent that outside of flowers, very few options existed to gift to those experiencing pregnancy or infant loss that is personal and thoughtful. Also, it goes without saying, there is stigma attached to loss and finding a safe place to share and feel supported wasn’t always simple - as a Registered Nurse, it was incredibly important to Avalon to change this.

How do we do that? Well, Bundle of Joy uses social media to post information about miscarriage and pregnancy loss support, encouraging engagement, open conversation and sharing stories to help others. We proudly donate to Pink Elephant Support Australia for each Rainbow Mumma Bundle purchased and we ensure that personal, heartfelt gifting to those experiencing loss is possible as they deserve to feel loved, held and seen during this part of their parenthood journey.

NOw you know a bit more about us, let us help you.

Email or direct message us, order from our website, follow us @thelittlebundleofjoy or just keep us in mind for your next gifting opportunity - we would love to help you gift thoughtfully and lovingly!